
The elderly have special needs and can be dependent on caregivers to make sure that these needs are addressed. The needs of the elderly include a need for:

  • Emotional wellness (including the ability to give and receive love, and to understand and express feelings and emotions),

  • Intellectual wellness (including the ability to develop and express creatively, and opportunities to process information effectively),

  • Physical wellness (physical activity, fitness, and health),

  • Social wellness (quality relationships and social networks),

  • Spiritual wellness (in a manner that’s appropriate for each person), and

  • Vocational and/or recreational wellness (opportunities for pursuing vocational and/or recreational pursuits that are appropriate for each person).

Insight provides consulting and training for services with the elderly. Insight is a Company Partner of the Research Society in Australia, and Insight CEO, Dr Mark Griffin, is certified as a Qualified Professional Researcher with the society.


See details about the training we deliver in Social Research, and Ageing and Health through a Registered Training Organization (coming soon)